No estudo de coorte abaixo foram avaliados 103.029 pacientes incluídos no National Trauma Data Bank do sistema de saúde americano. Foi possível verificar que indivíduos transportados em veículos particulares tiveram uma probabilidade significativamente menor de morrer do que os pacientes com ferimentos similares conduzidos por serviços médicos de transporte de emergência terrestre, mesmo quando a gravidade da lesão foi controlada.
O transporte terrestre médico de emergência não está associado à melhora da sobrevida comparado ao transporte por veículos particulares para pacientes com lesões penetrantes em sistemas urbanos de atenção ao trauma, sugerindo que o atendimento pré-hospitalar ao trauma pode ter um papel limitado nesse subconjunto de pacientes.
O transporte terrestre médico de emergência não está associado à melhora da sobrevida comparado ao transporte por veículos particulares para pacientes com lesões penetrantes em sistemas urbanos de atenção ao trauma, sugerindo que o atendimento pré-hospitalar ao trauma pode ter um papel limitado nesse subconjunto de pacientes.
Este artigo vem reforçar a necessidade da melhoria contínua da assistência realizada pelos serviços de transporte pré-hospitalar com foco na redução dos tempos de chegada à cena, de permanência na cena e de deslocamento até o hospital; por meio do aprimoramento permanente das competências dos profissionais envolvidos e da aplicação rotineira das técnicas e ferramentas, disponíveis e mais apropriadas, de acordo com as melhores evidências científicas.
JAMA Surg. 2018 Feb 1;153(2):107-113.
Association of Prehospital Mode of Transport With Mortality in Penetrating Trauma: A Trauma System-Level Assessment of Private Vehicle Transportation vs Ground Emergency Medical Services.
Wandling MW, Nathens AB, Shapiro MB, Haut ER.
IMPORTANCE:Time to definitive care following injury is important to the outcomes of trauma patients. Prehospital trauma care is provided based on policies developed by individual trauma systems and is an important component of the care of injured patients. Given a paucity of systems-level trauma research, considerable variability exists in prehospital care policies across trauma systems, potentially affecting patient outcomes.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate whether private vehicle prehospital transport confers a survival advantage vs ground emergency medical services (EMS) transport following penetrating injuries in urban trauma systems.
DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: Retrospective cohort study of data included in the National Trauma Data Bank from January 1, 2010, through December 31, 2012, comprising 298 level 1 and level 2 trauma centers that contribute data to the National Trauma Data Bank that are located within the 100 most populous metropolitan areas in the United States. Of 2 329 446 patients assessed for eligibility, 103 029 were included in this study. All patients were 16 years or older, had a gunshot wound or stab wound, and were transported by ground EMS or private vehicle.
MAIN OUTCOME AND MEASURE: In-hospital mortality.
RESULTS: Of the 2 329 446 records assessed for eligibility, 103 029 individuals at 298 urban level 1 and level 2 trauma centers were included in the analysis. The study population was predominantly male (87.6%), with a mean age of 32.3 years. Among those included, 47.9% were black, 26.3% were white, and 18.4% were Hispanic. Following risk adjustment, individuals with penetrating injuries transported by private vehicle were less likely to die than patients transported by ground EMS (odds ratio [OR], 0.38; 95% CI, 0.31-0.47). This association remained statistically significant on stratified analysis of the gunshot wound (OR, 0.45; 95% CI, 0.36-0.56) and stab wound (OR, 0.32; 95% CI, 0.20-0.52) subgroups.
CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: Private vehicle transport is associated with a significantly lower likelihood of death when compared with ground EMS transport for individuals with gunshot wounds and stab wounds in urban US trauma systems. System-level evidence such as this can be a valuable tool for those responsible for developing and implementing policies at the trauma system level.